Nikole pašića 213
18300 Pirot Srbija
+381 (0)10 / 304 - 000

Awards and Recognitions


Tigar a.d. osvojio je presti?no priznanje „Corporate Superbrands Srbija 2015/2016“ na svečanoj dodeli nagrada koja je odr?ana 13. juna 2016. u hotelu Metropol Palace u Beogradu. 

Tigar a.d. je kao najbolji korporativni brand u kategoriji „Plastika i guma“ poneo ovo presti?no priznanje, koje je u ime kompanije primila Nataša Pop-Krstić, šef kabineta generalnog direktora Tigar a.d. 

Prema njenim rečima ova nagrada je veliki podstrek kompaniji, da nastavi dalje u ostvarivanju zadatih ciljeva, jer ulo?ena energija zaposlenih, odgovornost prema kupcima, doslednost, pouzdanost, kao i odgovornost prema zajednici su merila dobre poslovne prakse koji ne mogu ostati nezapa?eni. 

- Posebno je va?no što su Tigar a.d. kao vodeći brend u kategoriji "Plastika i guma" prepoznali kako članovi Stručnog saveta tako i 1.000 građana Srbije koji su se o tome izjasnili kroz istra?ivanje javnog mnjenja, ističe Nataša Pop-Krstić. 

Kompanije iz Srbije bile su podeljene u 34 kategorije u zavisnosti od delatnosti kojom se bave, od prehrane, turizma, ugostiteljstva, energetike, telekomunikacija, zdravstva, obrazovanja do medija. Superbrands ima za cilj da prepozna napore i uspehe svih onih koji doprinose stvaranju, snabdevanju i promociji proizvoda na domaćem i inostranom tr?ištu, uz poštovanje i doprinos lokalnoj zajednici kroz društvenu odgovornost. 

Svečanoj dodeli nagrada prisustvovale su zvanice iz poslovnog miljea Srbije, predstavnici kompanija učesnica u izboru, članovi Stručnog saveta i predstavnici medija. 

Superbrands je nastao 1994. godine u Velikoj Britaniji i predstavlja vodeću svetsku platformu za promociju brendova, ne samo vodećih međunarodnih već i lokalnih brendova u svakoj zemlji članici, kojih ima 80 širom sveta. "Superbrands" je prvi put u Srbiji pokrenuo TGI Group International d.o.o. 2007, kao način da se oda priznanje najuspešnijim kompanijama, organizacijama i institucijama u Srbiji. 


Tigar Rubber Footwear is the winner of the award ‘Best from Serbia’ in the category of the best brand - manufactured goods and business services. On behalf of Tigar Rubber Footwear, the award was received by Tomislav Manic proclaimed for the best worker, employed as the foreman with the experience of over 35 years. The best worker was selected to represent his company on the basis of the results he achieved, his dedication, delivering of an outstanding quality and contribution to quality improvement in production, as well as for his high degree of teamwork. 

In addition to Tigar Rubber Footwear, for other best brands in the Serbian market were also pronounced Plazma from Babmi, Mona, Carnex, Jelen, Nectar, Metalc water heater, PS Fashion, Infostud, Hemofarm and many other brands. The event was organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Trade and the magazine ‘Economic Review’. 


The jury of the Japanese society composed of our prominent representatives in the field of culture, society and economy, has decided to award the Grand Prize to Tigar and its Managing Director Nebojsa Djenadic for the realization of the Prepackaged Plan of Reorganization and humanitarian activity. 

Among this year's winners of the Grand Prize of the Japanese Society for outstanding contributions in all areas of social development have also been awarded Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Milorad Dodik, President of the Republic Srpska, company "JT Japan Tobacco", Emir Kusturica, humanist and creator, Slobodan Trkulja, musician and others. 

By presenting this award, the Japanese Society indicates the tribute to the most deserving personalities and companies in Serbia and the region for their outstanding contribution to the overall development of society, economy, interpersonal and inter-state relations and humanistic consciousness during the last one-year period. 

Japanese society is a Serbian non-profit humanitarian organization, supported by the good will of humane people, associations and companies. The most important annual event of this society is the awarding of the Grand Prix of the Japanese Society. 

2014: The Free Zone Pirot - winner of the Brand Leader Award 

The Professional Collegium Business Conference - Transportation and Logistics in Southeastern Europe - TIL 2014 has decided to present the Brand Leader Award to the Free Zone Pirot, recognized in the market as a leader in quality and reliability of service, continuous investment, technical improvements and innovations. 

The Free Zone Pirot has acquired an outstanding reputation in the domestic and international market and has become synonymous with quality, competitiveness, professional organization and effective coordination of services. It has created a very favorable business environment and gained great trust of many global companies. Pushing the boundaries and setting new standards in operations with the rational use and responsibility for the development of all resources and creation of profit, Free Zone Pirot provides outstanding contributions to the strengthening of the reputation and trust in the activities of transportation and logistics of the whole SEE region – stands within the explanation of the expert jury. 

2014: Virtus award for the Free Zone Pirot 

In early 2014, Virtus award was given to the Free Zone Pirot in the category of small and medium enterprises. This award is given to companies and enterprises which in 2013 have contributed the most to the common welfare, supporting the non-profit actions or organizations of civil society. 

Getting this award confirms that in addition to creating a favorable business environment for the fulfillment of the mission of attracting investments, Free Zone Pirot also takes into account the needs of the local community, NGOs and the wider circle of people. The competition was organized by ‘Trag’ Foundation, former Balkan Community Initiatives Fund, with the financial support from the European Commission and the Team for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction of the Government of the Republi of Serbia SIPRU. 

2012: Certificate for Social Responsibility 

Among the winners of the first certificate of socially responsible businesses, which was awarded by the National Alliance for Local Economic Development, Tigar AD was one of the winners of the Certificate for social responsibility, as a confirmation of the fulfillment of the compliance with respect to legislation, as a minimum that is required in business, but still offers and expects more than what is required by law in the area of corporate governance, working environment, environmental protection, markets and relationships with the local community. Beside Tigar, winners of this certificate are Coca Cola, Eurobank EFG, Holcim and Sunce Marinkovic. 

2012: Free Trade Zone Pirot among the 50 best in the world 

According to the ranking of the prestigious magazine, figuring as a part of the world's leading business magazine ‘Financial Times’, Pirot Free Zone was ranked as the 41st on the list of best places to invest. The evaluation was conducted in five categories relating to benefits for business, constructed facilities and infrastructure, economy; reduction of operational costs, transport, communications and promotion. The competition included 600 free zones, from more than 100 countries worldwide. 

2011: Planet Business to Director of Tigar 

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the magazine ‘Biznis’ and ‘Ekonometar’, the CEO of Tigar, Mr. Dragan Nikolic was awarded in the category Planet Business Manager - for successful long-term management of the company. This recognized magazine is known by its professionalism and analytical approach. The award is an indication that Tigar's business model has been recognized as one of those which are based on tradition, but with a clear vision of further development, withstood various challenges and successfully lasted and developed. 

2010: Tigar Corporation, the most responsible company in Serbia 

Within the project of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce "Establishing Corporate Social Responsibility in Southeastern Europe’s companies", Tigar Corporation was awarded the first laureate of this national award for the corporate responsible company in Serbia in the category of large enterprises. Selection of the comparatively most responsible companies was organized in 2008 by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the action included 400 companies in Serbia, supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. 


To operate as a corporation which respects the dignity and integrity of its members and partners, and truly contributes to sustainable development.